Affiliate Disclosure

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We want to be transparent about our relationship with the brands and products mentioned on this website.

This website uses affiliate hyperlinks, and we may earn a commission by you click on these links and afterwards make a purchase. On the other hand, we would like to mention that our suggestions are targeted towards quality and eco-friendliness rather than financial rewards.

Our mission is to give you a mediate-free access to the information which in turn is useful in taking the right choices about your purchase. We do not take on advertisements, sponsorships, or endorsing any products or brands just because they are in association with us.

Here are some additional details about our affiliate program:

  • We only partner with reputable brands that offer products that align with our values of sustainability and quality.
  • We disclose when a link is an affiliate link.
  • We never pressure you to buy anything.

We appreciate your support! If you have any questions about our affiliate program, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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